Schittar House

address: Korzo 23
Period: Secession/Art Noveau
Kind: Immovable material heritage
Century: 20
Year: 1904
Purpose: residental bussines

The Schittar House was built in 1904 according to the project by Emilio Ambrosini, a famous architect who worked in Rijeka since 1884.

Since its beginning, the house was intended for residential and business purposes, which marked it in a particular way. A photographic studio was situated in the attic so the entire floor was furnished with windows towards the north side, overlooking Korzo, with a balcony along its entire length. Unfortunately, after its conversion into a residential space in 1937, these features were lost. The balcony was broken into two smaller ones, one on each side of the building, but the cast iron rail was kept.

The building is distinguished by excellent Art Nouveau decoration, from the horizontal frieze with leaf-like motifs, iris relief in the central part of the balcony and wrought iron rail. Swirls, floreal motifs and decorative pylons provide the building with elegance characteristic for Art Nouveau.

Originally, the façade had a sign Studio artistic-fotografico, which was later removed, but the wooden shop-window on the ground floor was kept. The Schittar House is distinguished as one of the capital works in Art Nouveau style in Rijeka.



The building is protected as a part of the zone Centre-Old Town. 


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Tags: houseschittar, schittar, secession